There are a number of factors that can affect how much a hundred business cards cost. You can print them yourself at home, using a standard printing service, or hire a design company to do it for you. While the latter option will probably cost you a lot more than hiring a professional, you can still save money by printing your cards yourself. And if you’re worried about printing them yourself, there are a number of services that offer a money-back guarantee.
Vistaprint and Overnight Prints are two companies that offer cheap, high-quality business cards. While Vistaprint offers the lowest price for a pack of 100 standard cards, the price goes up for larger orders. Both companies ship them free of charge, and you can use a coupon code to save 20% on your next order. Zazzle is another company that offers complete customization. They offer thousands of design options on many different types of paper and urdughr shapes.
There are several types of business card templates that you can choose from. Choosing a style is an important aspect of printing a card. You can choose between landscape and portrait orientation and choose from a variety of designs and styles. Most business cards are standard in landscape and portrait orientation, but you can get creative by changing the shape of your cards. For example, a high-end investment banker might prefer a square business card with a circle logo. But die-cutting a custom shape will add to the cost of printing the cards.