Are you considering walking to lose weight but still wondering if it’s effective? Walking is often considered the easiest and most cost-effective exercise a person can do. Regular walking offers several health benefits, including weight loss, making it a popular choice for those in a weight loss program. Many people walk regularly to maintain a healthy weight. While walking helps you lose weight, it’s important to understand how to maximize its benefits. In this article, we will explore how you can benefit from walking.
What Are the Benefits of Walking for Weight Loss?
Are you looking to lose weight through walking but are yet to be convinced that it actually accomplishes this? Unquestionably, walking very easily and cheaply, when done regularly, presents several fitness benefits, including burning up calories, which is why it is rated high among individuals in a weight loss program. Besides, many regular walkers can have their healthy weights maintained.
What Are the Benefits of Walking?
Walking is a simple weight loss exercise that helps you to shed the fat without you trying too hard to strain. Well, besides weight loss from walking, other health benefits of walking are:
- Prevents the risk of developing lifestyle disorders: Regular walking lessens your chance of developing several health conditions like hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.
- Cardiovascular health: Walking is good for the heart and lungs. It boosts your mood and keeps negative feelings far from you. It helps to reduce stress and anxiety. Negative feelings are best avoided by engaging in pursuits that make us feel positive. Walking helps to release endorphins and enkephalins, which are the happy hormones that help boost the mood and positivity.
- Strengthening of calf muscles: Walking helps in strengthening and toning your calf muscles. Walking uphill usually helps in strengthening the calf muscles.
- Helps you get Vitamin D: Walking in the morning can make your bones strong as you get vitamin D from the sunlight.
- Improves sleep quality: Walking helps in improving sleep quality. Studies indicate that walking helps you to fall asleep quickly with improved sleep quality.
How much should I walk to Lose Weight?
Generally, it is recommended to walk for at least half an hour every day. But for someone whose aim is to get weight loss by walking has to increase the time or intensity of the walking session although. You can start moderate-intensity walking for 30 minutes on most days of the week. However, as you get more confident and comfortable you can gradually increase the duration or intensity of your walks. Brisk walking for weight loss on an uphill can help you lose more calories. But remember that it is not recommended to start brisk walking uphill abruptly.
On the other hand, it’s also important to keep in mind that walking for weight loss is not just about exercise. Other factors like diet, stress, and sleep also affect your weight loss journey.