So you’ve recently bought a bike, obtained motorcycle finance and are ready to hit the road, exciting times! Motorcycles are fun, but they can also be dangerous. If you own a motorcycle, it’s important to have the right gear and know-how to ride safely. Read on for four helpful tips on how to do just that:
Wear your Helmet
Motorcycle helmets are designed with high-impact materials so that if you suffer an accident or fall off of your bike, you will be protected from injury. It’s important not only to wear your helmet when driving; it should also be worn any time you put the motorcycle up on its stand.
Use the Right Gear
In addition to wearing your helmet, it’s important to wear high-quality, durable motorcycle gear that is designed with safety in mind. If you suffer an accident or fall off of your bike, protective gear will keep injuries at bay. The thicker the material the better here.
Get an Inspection
It is important to have your motorcycle regularly inspected (every 2000 km’s or once a year is a good rule of thumb, depending on the storage conditions of the cycle). There are many moving parts on motorcycles, so it’s best to err on the side of safety and get an inspection done often. Corners should never be cut when it comes to safety.
Take a Motorcycle Safety Course
If you’re new to riding or do not have much experience, take the time to enrol in a motorcycle safety course. These courses are designed to teach students how to ride their bikes safely and responsibly; they also keep students up-to-date on how motorcycles work and all of the latest safety information. Enrolling in a course is free, so there’s no reason not to!
Motorcycles are a ton of fun, but they can also be dangerous. If you own one or plan to buy one in the future, it’s important that you take precautions and use safety gear at all times, keep these four tips in mind before you ride.