Back pain is a prevalent complication that can affect people of all ages. However, older people are highly predisposed to back pain due to degenerative disk diseases. Back pain can emanate from the lumbar spine, disks between the vertebrae, lower back, or any area in the back. In most cases, the pain can be caused by injury, strain, or overuse of your back. Fortunately, several practices and treatment options for back pain Great Neck will help you get relief. Some of the factors that could increase your risk of developing back pain include;
1. Age
According to a report from the CDC, the number of people suffering from back pain increases with each age group. As years pass by, your body becomes less resilient to certain activities, and you become more prone to injuries. You may not be able to lift heavy loads, and when you do, chances are you will suffer an injury. Moreover, the strain you have put your body through over the years increases the chances of getting wear or tear on your lumbar spine and lower back. Additionally, your body responds slowly to treatment, and you might take longer to recuperate.
2. Improper Lifting
Even though it has always been advocated that you should lift with your legs and not your back, this is better said than done. Even for pro athletes and bodybuilders, proper lifting is something they are yet to get well acquainted with since they still sustain serious back injuries. Moreover, it is important to understand your capabilities and not push your body beyond its limits.
3. Lack of Exercise or physical activity
While staying active has many benefits, people will often overlook the need to exercise. In today’s world, most people’s lives have become more sedentary since we can all work from home and spend most of our days at our desks. We dread getting tired, and we all want to normalize soft life. This is doing more damage to our backs and our overall health. We tend to pack extra weight, which our bodies cannot support.
The body tends to weaken, especially in people with a high body mass index. As more pressure is exerted on the spine, it experiences wear and tear, exposing you to severe back pains that could limit you from doing even the least demanding chores.
4. Genetics
Hereditary factors can predispose you to severe back pain. For some people, no matter how much they exercise, it is ingrained in their systems that back pains will be their lifetime health concern. If this is your situation, there is not much you can do, but leading a healthy, active lifestyle could help improve your back pain symptoms and quality of life.
5. Overuse
Repeatedly using your back without giving it enough time to recover can lead to chronic back pain. Normally, we fail to realize how vital our backs are in every activity we undertake, and failure to take good care of it can land us in dire health problems.
Your back bears much of your body weight and is constantly moving, which could cause stress in your vertebra. Overuse, lack of proper exercise, genetics, and age are some of the predisposing factors that could aggravate your back pain. With proper exercise and lifestyle changes, it is possible to get relief from mild back pain. Ensure you visit your doctor if the pain persists.