Any bump or lump on your skin should not appear normal because certain bumps grow over time and cause other symptoms. Therefore, when unsure what is going on under your skin, you can schedule an evaluation for soft tissue mass Somerville. Soft tissue masses develop from a collection of fats, cells, and other soft tissues and can be benign or malignant. One soft tissue mass type is a lipoma that may mostly be painless and harmless. Here is a discussion on lipoma symptoms, causes, and possible treatments if you find it bothersome.
How Will You Know You Have Lipoma?
A lipoma usually develops as a slow-growing fatty lump between your skin and its underlying muscle layer. Generally, a lipoma is harmless and non-cancerous, feeling soft, doughy, and moving readily with the slightest finger pressure. A lipoma occurs in your neck, abdomen, arms, shoulders, back, and thighs. Typically, lipomas are small but tend to grow over time. Although a lipoma is not painful, you may experience pain if it grows and begins pressing on your nearby nerves. A lipoma may also be painful when it contains many blood vessels.
Are There Causes Of Soft Tissue Masses?
What causes a soft tissue mass in most cases remains unknown. However, evidence suggests that there could be a link between genetics and soft tissue masses. Your genes may contribute to developing a lipoma, which runs in your family. Otherwise, even lifestyle factors, infections, and injuries may lack any association with developing a soft tissue mass in most cases. Lipomas occur at any age, but you have an increased risk of developing this soft tissue mass if you are between 40 and 60 years.
Is There A Diagnosis For A Lipoma?
Your doctor may recommend a physical examination of the area with a lump to check if it is a lipoma. Also, you may require a biopsy which takes a tissue sample and examines it for probable cancer. Another diagnosis may include an imaging test like an X-ray, MRI, and CT scan, especially for large lipomas with unusual features that appear deeper. Rarely will a lump looking like a lipoma be a type of cancer known as liposarcoma.
What Treatments Can Help With Soft Tissue Masses?
Usually, you may not require any treatment for a lipoma since they are painless and grow slowly without any serious complications. However, you might want your lipoma out, especially if it is painful and bothers you. First, your doctor may recommend surgical removal of a lipoma mass. During surgery, your doctor will cut it out completely so that it does not recur. A minimal excision can result in less scarring. On the other hand, a cancerous mass may require additional aggressive treatments like chemotherapy and radiation.
Soft tissue masses can develop anywhere in the body and are usually a collection of skin cells, fat, and other soft tissues. Soft tissue masses can be non-cancerous or cancerous, depending on the type. However, there is no single known cause for their development, although it may have something to do with your genetics. You can schedule an evaluation with your doctor if you notice a bump growing on your skin, especially if it presents symptoms that interfere with your regular activities. You will receive treatment which mostly includes surgery to take out the bump.