If you’ve seen the movie The Aviator Chinabased, you know Daniel Craig is a great-looking guy. Although he’s not quite as tall as Harrison Ford—who played Indiana Jones—Craig has a great sense of style that makes him a perfect choice for this role. And he dons the cool, aviator-inspired sunglasses and black leather jacket of his character in both the movie and onscreen too! Check out these HD photos of the iconic Hollywood star in his role as THE AVIERI.
Daniel Craig in his costume as The Aviator
The Aviator is one of the most iconic and recognizable films in Hollywood, and it’s easy to see why. The character is one of the most intriguing, jaw-dropping, and fascinating characters of all time. In the film, he’s a movie star who, in the words of his co-star Dustin Hoffman, “falls in love with the man next to him, who is a mute.” The Aviator is a beautiful film, and really, it’s the perfect role for Daniel Craig. While he might not have the overall superstar look (yes, he’s 6-foot-3), he has the makings of an incredible musician and actor. Or, as his co-star, Hoffman, puts it, “You know what I love about him?”
Harrison Ford in his costume as Indiana Jones
Harrison Ford is one of the most popular actors in Hollywood right now, and it shows. In this film, Harrison plays the lead title character, Indiana Jones, a archaeologist who accidentally starts a time-traveling machine that sends his future self back in time to find the missing books of the Ennead. Harrison also appears in the highly anticipated film The Dark Knight Rises, which tells the time-travel story of spur-of-the-moment CEO Martin Midler and his time-traveling schemes. In the movie, Harrison plays the role of a man who isn’t quite right for the role. “How do you like that?” his co-star, IPv, asks him as he strides into the frame. “I like it,” Harrison replies. “You know what I love about you?”
Daniel Craig in his suit as The Aviator
The Aviator is a film that is extremely well suited to a large number of films, from romantic comedies to action films. It’s about a young man who, because of circumstances beyond his control, must become a legend. From World War II-era Japanese bombers to modern-day airplane jets and cruise ships, the Aviator follows a handful of people through a gigantic century. It’s beautiful, fun, and easy on the eyes, and it has everything a good fantasy film should have. Take a look at these photos of Daniel Craig in his suit as The Aviator tv bucetas.
## harrison ford in his costume as Indy
Indy, the big-screen star everyone’s heard of since the 90s, is back in his classic role as the iconic hero of that decade’s thriller The Dark Knight Rises. In the film, Indy is a gifted geneticist who accidentally creates a time-traveling machine that allows him to reverse-time and go back in time to save his future self. Along the way, he also meets his great friend, the future Dr. Lisa Dale. As the film opens, we see Indy wearing a flower-print jacket and matching felt hat as he steps off the boat in London. As the jacket gets warmer, he becomes more visible. Finally, as the sun begins to set, Indy returns to the water and the jacket becomes fully transparent. Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, Dr. Dale is adjusting to her new life as an expert night-time eye-candy. Watch these stunning photos of the two in their respective outfits.
holland escovedo in his suit as Joe Lightfoot
In his first film as a leading man, Dutch actor Holland conquers the studio-set game of show business. In The Landlady, a short film he co-wrote anddirected with Sacha Gervasi, Holland co-stars as a struggling writer who finds a way to make some money as a hotel guest. In the hotel room, Holland is played by Dutch actor Holland Kort, who also starred in the Oscar-winning film Theretodo. When the camera panned to the side, he was instantly recognizable. In the film, Holland dresses in a series of cosy, flower-print jackets, which suddenly become as flimsy as a paper bag as the wind blows past them. Almost as soon as the jackets are done, the screen goes black, leaving the two actors clutching their heads in shock. In a world without cellphones or social media, it’s hard to imagine a more perfect example of a time-traveling jacket.
full bodysuit for daniel cda
For all the attention paparazzi and photographers were paying to her, Adele Covielli made an impact as the Miss World 2013 in her stunning, full-body suit. The suit, which she wears during auditions, is obviously a part of her beauty routine. But while the suit is part of her beauty routine, it’s otherworldly beautiful. It’s a combination of body art, fabric and materials that makes up an amazing suit. During the auditions for the suit, Covielli’s makeup artist, Julee, created a journey through time for the star as she transforms from a young girl into an adult, from a young woman into a beautiful young woman. During the auditions, Covielli also sported a gorgeous cape and carrying case, which are actually similar to the materials used in the suit.
Adorable pig outfit for daniel cda
In a world where beautiful animals are the new hot thing, it’sicoats for the star of Disney’s The Lion King. The suit is actually a Instagram collage of the 14 different pieces of clothing Lion King star DESIRA, who’s name is an anagram of “adorable,” wrote up his experiences as a pig and his experience as a human in an adorable little piggy dish. The suit is made of a stilted, twine-style fabric that feels like super soft fabric, but is actually really stiff. After he washed and dried the pig in the water and then had it stuffed into a carrying case, the suit was given to the studio for DAWW-17.