In most cases, the earliest possible HIV test results are negative. The best way to prevent contracting the disease is to avoid activities that expose you to the risk of infection. It is impossible to tell whether someone is infected by appearance alone, but there are ways to protect yourself. Latex condoms are the most effective method for sexual intercourse. You should never share needles, especially if they are made of animal products. It is also important to never have sex with a person who is drunk or high, as they may not be as careful with their body protection. You should also get tested if you are infected. Hand washing is essential when handling blood and body fluids.
HIV infection is not spread through mosquitoes or casual contact. However, injection drug users often share needles and are at highest risk for the disease. In general, HIV infections can last for years without any symptoms and can weaken the immune system. If left untreated, it can lead to AIDS. It also causes anemia and other chronic illnesses. Those with a weakened immune system are known as victims of HIV. There are no treatment options for HIV infection.
HIV can cause anxiety, depression, and difficulty walking. People who have been diagnosed with the disease should consult a physician for treatment. Some medications for HIV can help manage these conditions and may reduce their frequency and severity. The disease is curable. It is important to remember that there is no cure for HIV or AIDS. The most important thing to do is to get yourself checked. The sooner you get tested, the better. Your doctor may recommend a genetic test.
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