The eagerly anticipated Christian film “JOURNEY TO HELL” will be released on July 29, 2022. First, it would only be aired in certain cities, but after ten months, it would be displayed nationwide. Based on John Bunyan’s best-selling classic novel, “The Greatest Story Ever Told,” comes the film adaptation. After nearly drowning, he wakes up to find that he is a transformed man who has decided to follow Christ.
The Insight into the plot of the movie
“This movie definitely made me aware of hell, which is not anything my religion teaches,” observed one viewer at an Epoch Times-sponsored film screening at Fox Studios. Most people who have seen it have had nothing but positive things to say about it.
It’s been reported that after the film, “I changed my mind about doing anything horrible.” Timothy Chey describes the film’s conclusion as “very uplifting.” “In contrast to Bunyan’s tale, which comes to a tragic conclusion, ours has a happy ending. It is our duysnews hope that by depicting hell in its most horrific form, we will compel viewers to consider whether or not it exists.”
“CH Spurgeon almost rescued many people, as Chey puts it. Next, he remarked something more important: “If hell must be filled regardless of our efforts, let it be filled and let no one go there without being warned and prayed for.”
Timothy Chey, a well-known author and director has worked on several critical Christian movies. John Newton, author of “Amazing Grace,” is the subject of “Freedom,” a biography on Daystar TV that traveled to 29 countries, and “20 Minutes,” a Christian film that was screened at Cannes, among others.
The reviews in detail
According to a Barna poll, more than half of American Christians believe in the devil. While barely half of American Christians believe in the devil, a man’s journey to a biblical hell in “Trip to Hell” will be depicted. He discovers a real underworld populated by actual individuals (Hitler, Nero, the Zodiac killer, etc.). It will also demonstrate how anyone can be saved from sin and Satan’s deceptions through faith in Jesus Christ.
Timothy Chey describes the film’s conclusion as “very uplifting.” “In contrast to Bunyan’s tale, which comes to a tragic conclusion, ours has a happy ending. On the other hand, we present hell as it truly is, hoping that this will make people wonder if hell is real.”
“It’s true, as Charles Haddon Spurgeon famously stated, that hell is full of individuals on the verge of eternal life. It was the essential thing he said: “If hell needs to be filled, let it be filled in the middle of our work, and let no one go to hell without being warned and prayed for,” he stated.
Timothy Chey, a well-known author and director has worked on several critical Christian movies. In addition to the film “Freedom” about the author of “Amazing Grace” John Newton, Daystar TV’s “Epic Journey” took him to 29 different nations, and the Christian film “20 Minutes” screened at Cannes.