Reeder is one of the most popular news apps on iOS, and for good reason. It’s an incredibly efficient way to read articles from websites that support RSS. It has a minimalist and focused interface that makes it easy to scan large numbers of articles in the background without distractions, while it also provides a wide range of keyboard shortcuts and gestures to quickly access different sections of the app.
The latest version of the app, Reeder 4, brings several new features that enhance its user experience. These include options for larger, more readable text in the feed and headline columns, and a new theme selection that includes Mojave’s Dark mode and a totally black option designed for use on recent iPhones with OLED displays.
Bionic Reading
In an attempt to speed up your news reading and improve retention, Reeder 4 now supports a Bionic Reading mode that makes the first few words of a sentence bold. It looks a little odd, and I’m not sure it works for me, but it can make some articles look a lot easier to scan than they did in previous versions of the app.
Other changes include the ability to mark starred articles as read/unread and to swipe through article lists to add/remove items. These are all great touches that improve the user experience and can help you to spend more time browsing and less time in front of the computer screen.
Another big change is that Reeder now supports iCloud syncing with multiple news services. You can sync via iCloud or by using a third-party service like Feedbin, Feedly, Feed Wrangler or NewsBlur, as well as via its own read later feature (syncing is free).
If you’re someone who regularly does reading offline then you should probably check out the new version of Reeder. It’s the best app I’ve seen for reading feeds offline and it’s got a ton of extra features that make it more than just an RSS reader.
The app has three panels – a list of feeds on the left, a list of articles in the middle and the current article on the right – and it will hide all these depending on how big your screen is. This is a handy feature to have especially if you’re using the app in an where you need to keep other windows open for things like notes or emails.
Lire is a good alternative to Reeder for people who want to keep an eye on a number of feeds and articles at once, but it doesn’t quite offer the same level of polish or class that Reeder does. It is available for a fraction of the price, however, so it may be worth checking out to see if it is the app you’re looking for.
A slick, efficient, and highly customizable application for reading RSS feeds
Reeder has always been a stylish and efficient application for reading news. Now it’s even better with its latest update, Reeder 4. It brings new features, like the Bionic Reading mode, and offers a more attractive design than ever before. It also sports a new theme selection that includes support for Mojave’s Dark mode and if you’re an Apple News+ customer, it has a great selection of magazines to choose from. It’s also more flexible than ever when it comes to news syncing, including support for four news syncing services.