You must understand how important it is to defend your rights if you get into an accident with someone operating a rented automobile. You can face specific, particular difficulties following a rental car accident, even if the claims’ procedure is identical to that for other incidents, which mostly it is not.
It is crucial to speak to a Car accident lawyer who can assist you in understanding whether you are eligible to seek financial compensation. If yes, the lawyer will help file the claim and ensure the process is hassle-free.
Three Steps to Take If You Are Hit by a Rental Car
Stop driving, get any necessary medical care, and report the collision.
All drivers who get into an accident are required under the law to stop and share information. If the collision resulted in a significant injury to you. Get yourself some immediate medical help. Always put your health and well-being first. You must visit a doctor immediately, even if your injury is not an emergency. Police should be notified if there were any injuries or significant property damage due to the collision. This is true for all crashes, even those involving rented cars.
Prepare yourself for an increasingly challenging insurance claims procedure.
Like any other driver, drivers of rental cars are required to have insurance. Unfortunately, many individuals are not sure which coverage applies in the event of a rental vehicle accident. Furthermore, the major insurance providers are more than eager to blame other parties in order to limit their own exposure. Gather as much information as possible, and a lawyer can assist you in resolving the situation. You do not have to handle the claims procedure by yourself. A skilled Toledo car accident attorney will take immediate action to maximize your financial recovery if you were hurt in a rental car accident or have concerns about your rights.
Pay close attention when gathering vehicle and insurance information.
Take additional precautions to obtain and secure as much information as possible if you are struck by a rental automobile. You need to gather additional details at the scene, which is one of the primary obstacles in collisions involving rental cars. You should purchase, among other things:
The driver’s name, license number, and contact details; the make, model, license plate number, and state of registration of the automobile; the name of the rental car agency; and all insurance information the driver currently possesses.