When it comes to keeping houseplants alive, not all of us can claim to have a green thumb. This is especially true for those of us who live in houses or apartments that don’t have a lot of natural light flooding through our windows. Houseplants are great because not only do they add a touch of beauty to our homes, but they also can help purify the air and freshen things up. However, it’s hard to reap the benefits of houseplants if we can’t exactly keep them alive. Luckily for you, we’ve been in your shoes and have put together some tips for keeping your plants alive and healthy in low light conditions.
Choose Plants that Don’t Require a Ton of Light
Instead of stressing over how you can add more light to your space, choose plants that aren’t that picky about how much light they receive. Chances are, unless you get a total renovation to your home or the tall buildings blocking the sun from shining through suddenly disappear, your lighting issue isn’t going to go away anytime soon. Adapting by purchasing low-light plants including pothos, snake plants, ivy, and even watermelon peperomia, will allow you to have your house full of plants without having to worry about them getting the copious amounts of sun they might need.
Don’t Overwater
This goes without saying for most houseplants, but overwatering can make the light situation just that much more devastating. Because the light won’t be there to help provide heat to evaporate any extra water and your plant’s metabolism will likely be slower. Every plant will vary with how much water they require, but start by being more conservative than usual. Then, after observing how your plants are doing, you can adjust your watering routine from there.
Use Artificial Light
Artificial light, when used correctly, can also be a useful alternative to the natural sunshine that plants crave. In fact, LED lighting is proven to help plants grow and thrive. What is also great about LED lighting is that it’s more energy efficient as well and therefore better for the planet as well as your plants. Further, a more energy efficient home is going to be more valuable according to a free home appraisal tool. You can place LED light bulbs in the ceiling, floor lamps, and more. However, just like with sunshine, there is such a thing as too much light for plants. When you’re switching the lights on and off, be mindful of how much your houseplants are taking in.
Be Clever with Space
Chances are, your house is going to receive some levels of sunlight in very specific areas and on very specific times of the day. Place your plants accordingly and also be clever with where you place your plants. Floors and shelves are common spots for plants, but hanging from the ceiling can also be a great idea for getting your plant the sunshine it wants.
If you don’t have a house with a lot of natural light, you don’t need to abandon your plant dreams. Start by choosing plants that can fare well in low sunlight, like pothos. From there, be strategic with artificial light and where exactly you place your plants. With these tips, you can have the plant house you’ve always wanted!