Cats look like adorable furry angels when sleeping. They can sleep for hours together, oblivious to the world, lost in their fuzzy dreams. However, as a cat owner, you might wonder why your cat sleeps so much. And, if they spend so much time napping, when would they romp around the home, play with feather toys, chase birds, and meow to grab your attention?
These questions around your head are as typical as your kitty’s sleeping habits. To quote a fact, cats usually sleep for fourteen to eighteen hours a day. Yes, they sleep that long! Also, the number of hours can vary depending on your cat’s age. Older cats can rest longer than an average middle aged cat. Plus, baby cats eat, sleep, and nap in a loop in the early days after birth.
Monitor your kitty regularly to get the hang of its eating, sleeping, playing, and grooming patterns. So, it will be easy to identify sudden behavioral changes right in the beginning. Excessive sleeping and too little sleep (going by your cat’s sleep standards) can point to an alarming health situation. If you are confused, contact your vet for advice.
Or, even best, schedule a vet’s appointment and take your furball for testing and treatments. Pet insurance for cats helps support your munchkin with timely medical care during non-routine vet visits. Consider buying cat insurance, so managing unforeseen vet bills becomes easier while getting your fur baby cured. Meanwhile, read this article to learn why cats sleep so much.
- Cat’s ancestors were predators who lived in the wild. They generally went hunting during the dusk and dawn and spent the rest of the time slumbering to recharge themselves for the next hunt. Although your fur ball has a slight need to hunt, their sleeping habits might be largely ruled by their predatorial and nocturnal instincts.
- Cats have brief naps now and then to conserve energy. These little naps can last between fifteen to thirty minutes when they are well aware of their environment. Sometimes, you might notice twitching ears, moving tail or paws while your cat naps. Such movements indicate that your cat is ready for a faceoff with potential intruders.
- Cats can get into sleep mode due to boredom. When their human parents get busy with worldly chores, they may have little work to do and might get bored playing all alone with inanimate toys.
- Cats can get depressed, anxious, and stressed when there are abrupt changes in their surroundings or living circumstances. To beat the stress, they can resort to excessive sleeping habits. Check for additional signs like lethargy, loss of appetite, and withdrawal symptoms to get clues about your fur baby’s state of mind and health.
- Cats can sleep to stay in good health, just like humans. And they can snuggle in their plush beds for long hours during the winter and rainy seasons.
On the flip side, cats can be less active and sleep more when sick and suffering from pain or discomfort. It could be as small an issue as high temperature or as severe as bone and joint problems. Meet your vet for medical assistance.
Pet insurance for cats covers your munchkin’s treatments and medications during unplanned vet visits. With cat insurance, you might not have to take the entire stress of the unexpected vet bills to get your fur baby treated.