If you participate in sports activities or have an occupation that requires repetitive elbow movements, you have an elevated risk for debilitating elbow injuries. If not treated promptly, these injuries can cause further damage to your arm, potentially leading to disability. If you are looking for relief from persistent elbow pain, the orthopedic shoulder & elbow surgeon La Jolla at Upper Extremity Specialists of Ortho 1 Medical Group can help you to detect the cause and offer personalized treatment. Factors contributing to elbow pain include the following:
Bursitis occurs when the bursa becomes inflamed. Your elbow joint is surrounded by several bursae that act as cushions, minimizing friction between your muscles, tendons, and bones. However, excessive pressure or repetitive movements can irritate the bursa causing it to swell. This injury is more prevalent in people who engage in physical activities that require repetitive elbow movements, including assembly line workers and tennis players. Elbow bursitis can cause swelling, pain Jmdhindi, and tenderness, making flexing or fully extending your arm difficult. Simple tasks such as bending your elbow or lifting small objects may also be painful and challenging.
Elbow fractures can occur due to car accidents, sports injuries, or falls. Your elbow is prone to injuries due to its structure and the pressure it experiences during your day-to-day activities scooptimes. Elbow fractures can involve the ulna, radius, humerus, and the tendons and ligaments supporting your elbow. This injury can affect the range of motion and can result in pain and swelling. Your treatment will rely on the severity of the fracture, your age, and overall health.
Elbow Dislocation
This injury occurs when the ulna and radius move out of place from the humerus. It can happen due to a forceful impact on your elbow on a fall. Elbow dislocation is a severe injury; if left untreated, it can cause debilitating pain and swelling. It can sometimes damage the surrounding blood vessels, nerves, and ligaments, resulting in complications.
Tennis elbow
Tennis elbow occurs due to repetitive stress on the tendons attaching to your lateral epicondyle. Despite its name, anyone who engages in activities that require repetitive elbow motions can develop this injury, not just tennis players. The symptoms of tennis elbow may deteriorate when extending your wrist, gripping, or lifting objects.
Available treatments for elbow injuries
During your appointment, Dr. Downing will conduct a thorough exam that may include nerve conduction studies, X-rays, and MRIs to identify the underlying cause of your pain. He may suggest conservative treatment approaches, including injections to minimize inflammation, immobilization with a brace, and rest. However, if these approaches prove futile, the team may reparative treatment options like lipoaspirate mesenchymal stromal cell therapy and platelet-rich plasma injections to boost your body’s natural healing power. These teams may also offer these options to augment surgical treatments to alleviate your symptoms and restore optimal function in your elbow. However, if these options don’t provide adequate relief, Dr. Downing may recommend minimally invasive surgeries like arthroscopy and endoscopic carpal tunnel release.
Call the Upper Extremity Specialists of Ortho 1 Medical Group office for personalized treatment for elbow injuries, or schedule an appointment online.