With online therapy, for example via video calling, a recognized psychologist helps you from your own trusted environment, so from home or another familiar environment. This way you still get the help you need, but you don’t have to go to a less trusted location. It may also be that you are less mobile and then online therapy is also a good alternative. Online therapy is ideal when you are physically or mentally unable to see a psychologist in person.
Psychological treatment via video calling is just as effective as personal treatment on location. You discuss together what works for you. With the expertise of deonlinetherapeut.nl and our extensive experience in online therapy, you quickly gain the same confidence as in the treatment room, but from a distance.
What is online therapy via video calling?
Video calling therapy is very similar to on-site therapy. But what is video calling? Video calling is calling while you see each other. In order to be able to video call with you, they use a suitable and secure platform, comparable to Skype or Zoom, but in accordance with the guidelines of the privacy law: the general data protection regulation (AVG). Due to the current corona measures, many people have (out of necessity) gained experience with video calling.
Our online psychologists are BIG registered and recognized GZ psychologist. Your practitioner is therefore at least as skilled as practitioners who provide therapy on location. Our psychological care meets the same quality requirements. In addition, our online psychologists also have experience in providing on-site therapy.
Is Online Therapy Safe?
The platforms our psychologists use meet all legal standards. Your personal data is of course protected according to the applicable privacy legislation. This way we can guarantee you that it is safe to follow online therapy.
What is the best online therapy for your situation?
Do you want to know which form of best online therapy suits your situation? Or do you have questions about online therapy via video calling? Then contact a professional for assistance.
Is online therapy also reimbursed?
Online therapy is often reimbursed by health insurance, but this only applies to online psychological help that meets the following criteria:
- The online psychologist has contracts with health insurers. When the psychologist has concluded contracts, the treatment is 100% reimbursed (however, just as with a physical practice, the deductible of the health insurance always applies).
- The care provided is eligible for reimbursement. The therapy offered by the online psychologist must be scientifically researched and found to be effective. The therapy must be listed in the GGZ guidelines as recommended for the relevant psychological complaint.
- There must be direct contact between the client and the online psychologist. Direct contact is understood to mean: video calling, e-mailing, calling and chatting. A treatment that is performed completely without contact with a psychologist, such as some online self-help modules, are not reimbursed, unless it is part of a treatment that does involve online conversations with a psychologist.
- The diagnosis is covered by reimbursed care. This applies both in the traditional consultation room and when in contact with an online psychologist. The health insurance reimburses most complaints, but some complaints, such as relationship problems, are not covered by the health insurance.