An echocardiogram (ECG) is a crucial diagnostic feature when dealing with cardiovascular complications. The digital imaging technique employs sound waves to produce quality pictures of your cardiovascular system organs. The echocardiogram Upper East Side specialists can use the tool when you are experiencing suspicious heart disease symptoms. It is one of the simplest straightforward procedures requiring minimal preparations. However, it is important to consult your doctor and understand what you can expect during the procedure. Mental preparedness is crucial for a smooth process. Here are some points for you. Have a look.
Be Ready for Electrodes
ECG involves small patches known as electrodes that can be placed on your arms, chest, or legs. The number of electrodes used can vary but ranges between 10-15 depending on the intensity of the information your doctor requires. Your doctor carefully calculates the position of each electrode to record as much information about your heart activity as possible. The placement is not painful, but you can experience some itchiness. Also, you might want to shave chest hair to optimize the bond of the electrodes with your skin.
Ask Your Doctor How It Will Feel
It is normal to be anxious about how ECG feels, especially if it is your first time. Ensure you understand all the steps involved and how each feels. You will realize that you will feel almost nothing during your ECG. You will be comfortable during every stage and the only time you can experience some mild irritation is during the placement of the electrodes. The test itself is painless. Talk to your doctor if you experience anything serious.
Jewelry is Better Left at Home
Some jewelry and accessories can interfere with the ECG readings, and you better leave them at home. Even if you carry them, understand that your technician will require you to remove them before proceeding with the test. You can make work easier by wearing comfortable but smart wear that requires fewer accessories and jewelry. Also, wear clothes that are easy to remove, especially on your upper body, for easy arms and chest exposure. Also, you might want to wear shorts to expose your legs when the ECG is performed on your legs. You do not have to worry about modesty as you will be under a hospital gown.
Know How Long It Will Take
ECG can take a few minutes when all instruments are set. Talk to your doctor to understand the time they can take setting up the equipment to understand the overall time you need for the test. Remember you need to understand duration to plan your schedule well and know when to take time off school or work. Not that moving, talking, or other activities during the test can disrupt your readings and increase the test time. Accuracy is crucial for an accurate diagnosis. Ensure you remain still and breathe normally to avoid result interference.
Understand the ECG
As you prepare for the ECG, it is important to know what it shall be measuring and why in the first place, you need it. The test measures your heart activity, including the rhythm, heart rate, and the coordination and strength of each heartbeat. Your doctor can recommend the test when you are experiencing chest pain, respiratory complications, and heart health-related suspicious symptoms.
Get in touch with the Upper East Side Cardiology specialists to learn more about ECG. Your provider will evaluate your symptoms and let you know if you can gain from the test. Make a call today or book your appointment online.