You may be wondering: Why are people so happy on their birthdays. Well, it can be attributed to the fact that they have a special day to celebrate. While celebrating a birthday with family and friends is always a pleasure, it can also be a stressful time for some people. However, you don’t have to spend your birthday feeling sad and gloomy. Instead, you can plan exciting activities to celebrate your birthday and make it a happy day.
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While birthdays are special for everyone involved, many people find the thought of turning older difficult. While many of us would love to stay young for the rest of our lives, the reality is that years go by so quickly. We change, wrinkles appear, and our bodies change. The pressure can be immense. This is why birthdays can be a time for reflection. People at significant milestones may feel more responsible for their future than usual.
The celebration of birthdays began in the nineteenth century as a way for people to gain attention. Middle-class Americans began celebrating their birthdays in the 19th century. By the early 20th century, birthdays had become a national tradition, and the song “Happy Birthday” is not a century old. The song “Happy Birthday” was first recorded in the mid-19th century. However, the origin of the song itself is not known.
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